8-10 Oct 2025 Montpellier (France)


On the 8th, 9th and 10th of October 2025, the user and developer community around PyMoDAQ, Modular Data Acquisition with Python, will meet again, in Montpellier this time.


PyMoDAQ is an open source software suite, written in the Python language and used for automatic data acquisition based on multiple experimental parameters. Designed to be used without the need for programming, it has a generic graphical interface for instrument control with specific extensions that ensure high scalability.  It integrates native data storage compatible with the challenges of open data and traceability.

This software has been developed at CEMES since 2017 and significant efforts have been made to enhance its development and use. Over the last three years, four training sessions on its use and development have taken place, involving more than fifty people: engineers, technicians, researchers or students from the Toulouse and national community.

PyMoDAQ is open to contributions from the user community. These days will be an opportunity to bring together this growing community to talk about the achievements made with the software suite, define the priority directions to be taken in its development over the coming years and friendly compete in the first PymOlympics!



Registration for the PymOlympics is open, please fill this form:

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Registration for the meeting and abstract submission will open later. Registration is free but mandatory.

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